HTML 5 or Silverlight?

Ah, this is a tough question! As I mentioned yesterday, I was in Microsoft Office in Montreal for the PDC keynote diffusion after which there was a discussion about the keynote. The room was filled mainly with freelancers and small company consultants (that is quite typical for a Montreal crowd actually).  More than half of … More HTML 5 or Silverlight?

PDC 2010 Keynotes

Today was the first day of the PDC 2010.  Microsoft hosts events all around the world, inviting local partners, where they broadcast the PDC keynotes and have a discussion around that afterwards.  I was in such an event in Montreal. Steve Ballmer was delivering the keynotes with many Microsoft stars delivering portions and demos (e.g. … More PDC 2010 Keynotes

The end the Chief Software Architect title @ Microsoft?

Ray Ozzy is stepping down the Chief Software Architect role at Microsoft. He’s going to leave Microsoft in the short future. Steve Balmer isn’t naming a new Chief Software Architect for the moment.   Since Bill Gates left Microsoft, the company has been running from one re-org to the other.  For instance, earlier in October … More The end the Chief Software Architect title @ Microsoft?

Microsoft’s jQuery contributions as official plug-ins

A quick note about Microsoft’s contributions to jQuery (namely XYZ):  they are now official plug-ins! We’ve read several months ago about the contributions of Microsoft to jQuery, that is, Globalization, Templates and Data Linking. Those plug-ins bring a programming model relatively close to Microsoft WPF (or Silverlight) but quite in line with jQuery.  It also … More Microsoft’s jQuery contributions as official plug-ins